With the help of the "Search of Postal Items" function you can find the location and status of your postal item, twenty-four hours a day at any time convenient for you.
At present it is possible to inquire about:
- domestic registered postal items, forwarded within Ukraine;
- international registered postal items, forwarded from Ukraine;
- international parcels, arrived in Ukraine.
Please, enter without blanks and other symbols the full 13 alphabetic-numeric number (the bar code identifier) of your item, which is indicated on your accounting document (sales check, receipt, etc.) and click "SEARCH" or "ENTER".
An identifier of the international postal item shall consist of the following 13 symbols: the 1st and 2nd are letters; the 3rd – 11th symbols are numbers; the last 12th and 13th symbols are letters of the two-letter code of the country from which the item was sent (e.g. UA — Ukraine, RU — Russia, US — the USA, IL — Israel, etc.).
An identifier of the domestic postal item shall consist of the following parts: the 1st – 13th symbols are numbers.
Example of the international item number: CА123456789UA
example of the domestic item number: 0123456789123
The information about location and forwarding status of postal items is constantly updated and is accessible in the system within 6 months from the date of registration